I recently study node and try to use npm to install node-inspector globally. But it always suspends here as following pic
I have changed the registry config for times, but it still doesn't work. Anyone can help? TAT
When npm install
is stuck, you can increase verbosity of the output from install.
npm config set loglevel verbose
npm install -g node-inspector
Setting the log level to verbose will output a LOT of information. Based on the output you can find out where the errors/warnings are occurring and resolve them.
If git protocol is somehow involved and git's port is being blocked (TCP 9418), you could use https by doing
git config --global url.https://github.com/.insteadOf git://github.com/
npm install -g node-inspector
As you mentioned, you could use cnpm. Feel free to write your own answer and accept that one since that solved your problem.