I want to use Admob in my app. I've downloaded the SDK and followed the steps. Sometimes, I get an ad in return, but most of the time, I get an entry in LogCat that says "Server did not find any ads" or something to that effect. Test mode is enabled, says the Admob site. I think I might be doing something wrong. Where can I get a step-by-step guide to insert admob ads in Android apps? The Admob developer site is rather lacking.
Also, let's assume that everything's gone well and that I'd now like to deploy the app. How do I turn off test mode for Admob ads?
Thank you.
just follow the instructions on this site: http://developer.admob.com/wiki/Android#AdMob_Android_SDK
I guess you did not activate the test mode for your device or the emulator?!
AdManager.setTestDevices( new String[] {
AdManager.TEST_EMULATOR, // Android emulator
"E83D20734F72FB3108F104ABC0FFC738", // My T-Mobile G1 Test Phone
} );