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REGEXP_LIKE( email not working in Oracle PL SQL

The regular expression I have created in the design of my database for verifying e-mail addresses is not working, even though I've read multiple Oracle forums which use the exact same expression. Every time I try to insert an email I get a check constraint violation.


when trying INSERTS of the form:

INSERT INTO Member VALUES(0042, ''); 

Can anyone shed any light on this?



  • I tried to replicate your issue. The problem is use of '-' in your range for last alphabets after the period. Use a comma instead.



        CREATE TABLE abc_1(abc_id NUMBER(10), email VARCHAR2(100));

    Constraint(Same as yours):

        ALTER TABLE abc_1 ADD CONSTRAINT abc_email_check CHECK(REGEXP_LIKE(Email,'^[A-Za-z0-9._-]+@[A-Za-z0-9._-]+\.[A-Za-z]{2-4}$'));

    Insert Statement:

        INSERT INTO abc_1 VALUES (1001, 'myEmail@service.c'); --Fails, expected
        INSERT INTO abc_1 VALUES (1001, ''); --Fails, not expected

    The problem is with the range specification {2-4}. Which should rather be {2,4} Replace your check constraint as:

        ALTER TABLE abc_1 ADD CONSTRAINT abc_email_check CHECK(REGEXP_LIKE(Email,'^[A-Za-z0-9._-]+@[A-Za-z0-9._-]+\.[A-Za-z]{2,4}$'));
        INSERT INTO abc_1 VALUES (1001, 'myEmail@service.c'); --Fails, expected
        INSERT INTO abc_1 VALUES (1001, ''); --Success, expected

    When specifying range in regular expression, the way is {m,n}, where m is lower limit and n being the upper limit.