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Unable to Connect to Jenkins Server (Amazon Linux AMI)

When I had installed Jenkins on Amazon Linux AMI following steps mentioned in

After installation I was able to open Jenkins through browser but when I selected option "Install Plugins" it showed error as "Unable to connect to Jenkins Server."

So then how to troubleshoot this issue??


  • The problem here is pretty simple, if you do curl on your host machine, you should get a message stating:

    Authentication required
    You are authenticated as: anonymous
    Groups that you are in:
    Permission you need to have (but didn't): hudson.model.Hudson.Administer

    This means that jenkins has anonymous priviledges which is not allowing any connection.

    To solve this issue, you will have to do two changes:

    1. Add Jenkins user to root group: sudo usermod -a -G root jenkins

    2. Make Jenkins listen to all external IPs by editing file /etc/sysconfig/jenkins and changing the JENKINS_LISTEN_ADDRESS=""

    Once this is done, restart the jenkins server and then try to install plugins for jenkins.