1) Create empty layout resource 2) Open it in Android Studio (2.2.2) 3) Set background colour 4) Set height as 550dp 5) set Nexus 5 as device for preview
You will see that layout has a tiny gap with the screen. So the actual height of layout is about 570dp Screen height = status bar height + the layout height = 24 + 570 = 594dp In specs Nexus 5 has 640dp
Also it seems that I haven't toolbar. I added a view to relative layout with property of align parenttop and it was placed at the top right under status bar.
Count in the navigation bar's height which is 48dp according to this xml.
<!-- Height of the bottom navigation / system bar. -->
<dimen name="navigation_bar_height">48dp</dimen>
<dimen name="navigation_bar_height_landscape">48dp</dimen>