i'm using Elcipse+PyDev and Pyscripter sometimes for Python 2.7 Yesterday i installed PyTables from compiled binaries and :
import tables
h5f = tables.openFile(r'D:\sample.h5','w')
So, when I type "h5f." IDE don't show me all the methods, only a few! Can't do anything with It, installed PyTables few times,same result... Method h5f.CreateGroup() works perfectly, but IDE dont see it so don't display it in drop-down list! Eclipse and Python both behave same...
The thing with Pydev and Eclipse is that when you install a new package or library and if you want to use the auto-complete with it, you will have to recreate the system PYTHONPATH in eclipse.
For that go to: Window -> Preferences -> Pydev -> Interpreted Python and in the tab libraries, in System PYTHONPATH you will not see your new installed library because pydev just do a copy of the PYTHONPATH the first time that you have configured and now each time you installed a new package you will have to resynchronize pydev with the new PYTHONPATH.
So to resynchronize you will have to click on the button Apply so that eclipse export (again) all the library (between them your new installed one) from PYTHONPATH to eclipse.
So now eclipse should know your library and you should work with it just fine.
Hope this will help :)