I am trying to access product.img_url but an error tells me it is undefined. When I tried to use console log, it clearly shows that my product object has a value. Can anyone help me in this?
export class ProductComponent implements OnInit{
product: Products;
constructor(private _router: Router, private _productsService: ProductsService){}
var str = this._router.url;
var param = str.split("/");
this._productsService.getProductById(param[2], param[3])
.subscribe((product) => {this.product = product; console.log(product);}),
(err) => console.log(err);
HTML div
<div class="tab-content">
<div class="tab-pane active" id="product-page1" [hidden]="product">
<img src="{{product.img_url}}" alt="..."/>
Error stack trace
console.log output
Ok I already found out the problem here.
The object becomes an array after I get it therefore I need to put [0] when accessing the index of the array in HTML. The code looks like this.
<img src="{{product[0].img_url}}" alt="..."/>