I'm trying to build a new project using mvn aem-project-archetype (https://github.com/Adobe-Marketing-Cloud/aem-project-archetype) and on deploy the core bundle shows status as "Installed" but cannot be Active showing the error
javax.inject, version=[0.0,1) -- Cannot be resolved
I tried to add the dependencies as suggested here (https://github.com/Adobe-Marketing-Cloud/aem-project-archetype/issues/59)
and also tried all solutions as listed here (http://help-forums.adobe.com/content/adobeforums/en/experience-manager-forum/adobe-experience-manager.topic.html/forum__fikl-ive_just_updatedfro.html) but they did not resolve.
Appreciate any help here.
After some research here's some solutions for the above:
Comment "@Inject" in HelloWorldModel.java . This may not be ideal, but if you are not planning on using Sling Models, then this will work.
public class HelloWorldModel {
private SlingSettingsService settings;
//@Inject @Named("sling:resourceType") @Default(values="No resourceType")
protected String resourceType;
Use ACS's Lazybones AEM Template instead of Archetype 10 if you will be using AEM 6.1 or higher. This is the recommended template to use with AEM whihc is more sophisticated and up-to-date.