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How do I restrict authorization to a user's resource index action using Pundit? I don't think the answer is scope

I'm struggling with authorization of an index action of a nested resource while using Pundit. Pundit is so slick and potentially easy, that I hate to have to cast it aside because I can't figure this out. I figure once I understand this part everything else will fall inline. I've read over a lot of people's posts asking very similar questions to the one I am asking and it seems the posts that come closest to the question I'm asking never get resolved. So, I'm still looking for an answer.

class User < ApplicationRecord
  enum role: [:user, :admin]
  after_initialization :set_default_role, :if => :new_record?
  def set_default_role
  self.role ||= :user
  has_many :galleries, dependent: :destroy

class Gallery < ApplicationRecord
  belongs_to :user
  validates :user_id, presence: true
  validates :title,, presence: true

I have user set up just how I want it with a UserPolicy. It doesn't inherit from the ApplicationPolicy because the tutorial I was looking at said I didn't need it.

my routes look like this:

devise_for :users, path: 'accounts
resources :users, shallow: true do
  resources :galleries

Essentially I don't want one user to see another users stuff, i.e. index, show... actions. I believe this is called a closed system. My route for seeing a user's gallery(my nested resource) index looks like this:


I don't want User 19 to ever see what User 20 has in their gallery index. How do I do that?

This is what my GalleryController looks like:

before_action :authenticate_user! #I'm using devise
def index
  @galleries = current_user.galleries.all
  #authorize ????? <<part of what I don't understand

def gallery_params

Really I don't know what I'm supposed to do in the GalleryPolicy for index. I have the show action worked out, because it's simply checking the instance of the gallery against the instance of user id. Here is the GalleryPolicy

attr_reader :user, :model

def initialize(user, model)
  @user = user
  @gallery = gallery

def show?
  @gallery.user_id ==

def index?
  # I can't figure it out

def new?
  #actually this is confusing too


  • First of all, I have always written Pundit policies which inherit from ApplicationPolicy so let's start from there. ApplicationPolicy is initialized with a user and a record. The record will be your model that you want the user to be authorized to view. In this case, a gallery.

    Secondly, every Policy should include a scope. This is also initialized inside of ApplicationPolicy but it is your job to restrict the scope as necessary.

    class GalleryPolicy < ApplicationPolicy
      class Scope < Scope
        def resolve
          scope.where(:user_id =>
      # no need for an index? method here. we will see this in the controller
      # essentially here we are checking that the user associated to the record
      # is the same as the current user
      def show?
        record.user == user
      # this is actually already the case in ApplicationPolicy but I added 
      # it here for clarity
      def new?
      # who do we want to be able to create a gallery? anyone!
      # so this simple returns true
      def create?

    Then in your GalleryController you will authorize the models each time. Only the index action is a bit different as we will see now:

    # controllers/gallery_controller.rb
    def index 
     @galleries = policy_scope(Gallery)
     # as we specified the scope in GalleryPolicy to only include galleries which belong 
     # to the current user this is all we need here!
    # your other actions will look something like this:
    def show
      @gallery = Gallery.find(params[:gallery_id]
      authorize @gallery
    def new
      @gallery = # or @gallery =
      authorize @gallery

    I hope this helps! Pundit is a really great tool once you get to grips with it.