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AdMob Native Ads Express not receiving test ads

I am familiar with AdMob and with banner and interstials. I'm adding native ads functionality and something weird is happening because even if using the same AdRequest as for insterstitials/banners, for banners/interstitials I am getting test ads but for native ads, I get the live ones.

 adRequest = new AdRequest.Builder().addTestDevice(AdRequest.DEVICE_ID_EMULATOR).addTestDevice("mydeviceIdFromLogcat").build();

So my question is, native ads do not have test ads?


  • No. Native ads do not provide test ads the way we are used to (via addTestDevice() on AdRequest).

    From the Google Mobile Ads SDK Developers group conversation on this subject:

    Veer Arjun Busani(Mobile Ads SDK Team) - For now, you would not be able to load test ads for Native Ad Express and I do not have any ETA on when this might change.

    Note that depending on your country and ISP, you may use test Ad Unit ID (Native Ads Avanced documentation). Personally I never make them work (Received error HTTP response code: 403 logs.