If I correctly understand how goroutines work on top of system threads - they run from queue one by one. But does it mean that every goroutine loads\unloads it's context to CPU? If yes what's difference between system threads and goroutines?
The most significant problem is time-cost of context-switching. Is it correct?
What mechanism lays under detecting which data was requested by which goroutine? For example: I am sending request to DB from goroutine A and doesn't wait for response and at the same time occurred switch to a next goroutine. How system understands that a request came from A and not from B or C?
Go has a segmented stack that grows as needed. Go runtime does the scheduling, not the OS. The runtime multiplexes the goroutines onto a relatively small number of real OS threads.
Goroutines are scheduled cooperatively and when a switch occurs, only 3 registers need to be saved/restored - Program Counter, Stack Pointer, and DX. From the OS's perspective Go program behaves as an event-driven program.
You cannot directly control the number of threads that the runtime will create. It is possible to set the number of processor cores used by the program by setting the variable GOMAXPROCS with a call of runtime.GOMAXPROCS(n)
and a completely different story
In computing, a program is a specific set of ordered operations for a computer to perform. An instruction is an order given to a computer processor by a program. Within a computer, an address is a specific location in memory or storage. A program counter register is one of a small set of data holding places that the processor uses.
This is a different story of how programs work and communicate with each other and it doesn't directly relate to a goroutine topic.