I am trying to use a MS lifecam with my raspberry-pi-3. It works on the command line, when I type the following command:
$ fswebcam img.jpg
Trying source module v4l2...
/dev/video0 opened.
Writing JPEG image to 'img.jpg' # this works fine
Now I want to run the camera through a python code:
import pygame
import pygame.camera
from pygame.locals import *
DEVICE = '/dev/video0'
SIZE = (640, 480) # I also tried with img size (384,288), same error
FILENAME = 'capture.jpg'
camera = pygame.camera.Camera(DEVICE, SIZE)
camera.start() # error on executing this line
pygame.image.save(screen, FILENAME)
The reported error is:
SystemError: ioctl(VIDIOC_S_FMT) failure: no supported formats
I am puzzled here. The camera is supported by rasp-pi, so it looks like my python code has to be updated somewhere. Can you help?
Try use this:
camera = pygame.camera.Camera(pygame.camera.list_cameras()[0])
img = camera.get_image()
pygame.image.save(img, FILENAME)