I just pushed a Laravel website onto a shared hosting. Copied the public folder to the /www, changed the index.php to reflect the path change and configured my .htaccess, etc.
At first I was simply getting an error, telling me that Page::findBySlug() returned null. Checked again with dd(), was and still is null.
FrontendController@index is looking like this
public function index($slug)
$page = Page::findBySlug($slug);
$pageTemplate = $page->templates->first();
return view('frontend.pages.index', compact('page','pageTemplate'));
and after toying with dd() for a while, it now sends me to the custom 500 unless it's supposed to pull the slug from db, in which case I get a custom 404.
EDIT: I pulled the same version of the app but with it being already installed (instead of rolling with composer instal) from the testing platform and it simply works so I doubt it has anything to do with the hosting. I'd still appreciate an answer given that I'd like to do it the correct way. Is there anything I should setup slugs-wise after running a fresh install?
What am I missing here? Thanks.
Fixed by php artisan route:clear. Apparently route:cache wasn't the way to go.