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What constitutes a valid type in lean?

I've done the first 3 chapters of the lean tutorial, and I've already done a few proofs in propositional logic.

Now I'm trying to go back a bit and ask myself dumb questions.

My understanding is that:

  1. Terms can have types: constant A : Type. A is a term, Type is the type of A.
  2. Terms can become types: constant a : A.
  3. The type of a term can depend on the type of another term: constant B : A -> Type, which is sugar for constant B' : Π (a : A), Type

But this understanding is clearly wrong, for this code doesn't typecheck:

constant A : Type

constant a : A

constant B : A -> Type

constant B' : Π (a : A), Type

constant C : Π (b : B), Type

constant C' : Π (B : A), (Π (b : B), Type)

constant C'' : B -> Type

All lines beginning constant C, that is line 9, 11 and 13 throw an error error: type expected at B

Why? I suspect that not all terms can become types. I suspect that terms whose types depend on other types can't become types. Why?


  • First type error

    The problem with the first type error in

    constant C : Π (b : B), Type

    is that you cannot say b : B, because B is a function (without definition) of type A -> Type, i.e. B is a value, not a type. It doesn't make sense to make a claim like b : 1 or b : "xyz" or b : (λ a : A, Type).

    E.g. the following would work, since B a : Type:

    constant C : Π (b : B a), Type

    Second type error

    The second type error in

    constant C' : Π (B : A), (Π (b : B), Type)

    stems from the fact that it is not known that B is a type, all we know about B is that it is some value (inhabitant) of type A. To be able to use B that way, you'll need something like this:

    constant C' : Π (B : Type), (Π (b : B), Type)

    i.e. we explicitly say B is a type.

    Third type error

    constant C'' : B -> Type

    The reason this fails to typecheck is the same as in the first case. B is a function value, while we need a type here -- this is why constant B : A -> Type works.