In Microsoft SQL server I could do something like this :
create procedure my_procedure @argument1 int, @argument2 int
select *
from my_table
where ID > @argument1 and ID < @argument2
And that would return me table with all columns from my_table
Closest thing to that what I managed to do in postgresql is :
create or replace function
returns setof record
$$ select * from my_table $$
language sql
or i could define my table type, but manually recreating what technically already exists is very impractical.
create or replace function
returns table (
column1 type, column2 type, ...
return query select col1, col2, ... from my_existing_table;
and it is pain to maintain.
So, how can I easily return resultset without redefining defining every single column from table that I want to return?
In Postgres a table automatically defines the corresponding type:
create or replace function select_my_table(argument1 int, argument2 int)
returns setof my_table language sql as $$
select *
from my_table
where id > argument1 and id < argument2;
select * from select_my_table(0, 2);
The syntax is more verbose than in MS SQL Server because you can create functions in one of several languages and functions may be overloaded.