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FCM - Get Message Label

To send a message from FCM backend, we have this view :

enter image description here

I wanna to get the message label (libellé du message) from RemoteMessage. When I debug for the field, the content in the message is labeled as google.c.a.c_l, which I think is an internal field.

enter image description here


  • First, I just wonder the same as your question. But after read the document here and played around with it, I found that:

    • You cannot get the message label on client device, because it is just a label for display on firebase console only.
    • To get title at client side, you have to use Advanced options which is auto collapse at the bottom. With Advanced options, you can also send a data payload to the client by key/value.
    • Then remoteMessage.getNotification().getBody() for notification's message body (from Message text/Texte du message), remoteMessage.getNotification().getTitle() for notitifcation's title (from Advanced options), remoteMessage.getData() for data payload (from Advanced options).