Let's say there are two tables. (I made example table just to explain the concept of my idea, there would be some mistake to define it.)
TableA 'user'
id serial PRIMARY KEY
name character varying(80) UNIQUE NOT NULL,
TableB 'history'
id serial PRIMARY KEY,
action character varying(80) NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT history_action_key UNIQUE (name)
I think there two ways to make relationship between two tables.
one way : adding ForeignKey constraint in one table
id serial PRIMARY KEY,
name character varying(80) NOT NULL UNIQUE,
history_id integer REFERENCES history
It means there is another field named history_id to direct to related history with FK in user table. right?
second way : you are creating new table(lets say TableC 'relationship'). TableC will show only relationship between TableA and TableB
CREATE TABLE relationship
id serial PRIMARY KEY,
user_id integer NOT NULL REFERENCES remann_users (id),
history_id integer NOT NULL REFERENCES history,
so my question is
is second way to store data in database more flexible?
I feel like second way seems more flexible because User table and History table are totally separated in individual tables. And Just another table have data to tell their relationship. But first way seems User table have a field 'history_id' in it's table. So I feel like its way is more coupling between two tables.
Is my idea correct?
I think I was confused with manyTomany relationship first.
'user' table has data like below
pk name
1 John
2 Adam
3 Kelly
'history' table has data like below
pk action
1 played baksetball
2 played video games
Now I want to make relationship between user and history.
if John played baksetball, Adam played basketball and Kelly played video games, I can make relationship by putting one more column in user table.
'user' table
pk name fk
1 John 1
2 Adam 1
3 Kelly 2
but if there is a case that John played basketball and at the same time played video games. This became manyTomany relationship. I need to make like below to show this relationship.
'user' table
pk name first action(fk) second action(fk)
1 John 1 2
2 Adam 1 NULL
3 Kelly 2 NULL
But it is bad idea because you have to change your schema if you want to add more action to one specific user. for example, user played baksetball, played soccer and played video game. you need to add third action(fk) and other user row will have null values.
so you can make another table to combine two tables without this problem. it would be second way I explained above. making another table to show relationship between two tables was just way to make it more efficient in manytomany situation. right?
Here is what i am confused from your answer. "more flexible" more flexible means it is more flexible to show m2m datas if you have bridge table like second way or just m2m relationship is more flexible? I am confused more than what?
It means there is another field named history_id to direct to related history with FK in user table. right?
Name it whatever you want, but yes.
I feel like second way seems more flexible because User table and History table are totally separated in individual tables. And Just another table have data to tell their relationship. But first way seems User table have a field 'history_id' in it's table. So I feel like its way is more coupling between two tables. ... Is my idea correct?
I got a kick out of the my idea. Yea, you're right. What you're calling a relationship table establishes what database admins call Many-to-many model.
The question is can a user have more than one history, and if they can't why are you going to make all of your queries more complex to support that?
In a normal M2M table in PostgreSQL you've got something like this,
user_id serial PRIMARY KEY,
name text NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE history (
history_id serial PRIMARY KEY,
tz timestamp DEFAULT NOW()
CREATE TABLE relationship (
user_id int REFERENCES users,
history_id integer REFERENCES history,
PRIMARY KEY (user_id, history_id)
INSERT INTO relationship VALUES (1,1), (1,2);
INSERT INTO relationship VALUES (1,1), (2,1);
If these aren't possible in your app, don't go Many-to-many.