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How can I get an ASP.NET (Framework 4.5) Web Forms project to recognize the SQLServer class?

I have been unable to get a legacy VB.NET ASP site to run.

So, I tried creating a new one from scratch, adding folders and files one-by-one to it, from the legacy project. However, it does not recognize the SQLServer class and is now at the point where it generates 106 errors when building.

Thus, I have started over yet again. I created a new project > Templates > Visual Basic > Web > ASP.NET Web Aplication. and added the class that references SQL stuff first, to try to get at the root of the problem.

To do this, imitating the legacy project, I added an App_Code folder to the project, and then added commonClass.vb to it, and started copying over functions, one at a time. First, I added the Imports clauses, and then a couple of functions:

Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Data
Imports DAL05.DataAccess
Imports System

Public Class commonClass

    Public Shared Function GetImages(ByVal MemberNo As String, ByVal ImageID As String, ByVal FileName As String) As DataView
        Dim ds As New DataSet()
        Dim SQLstring As String = "EXEC up_GettyImages '" & MemberNo & "','" & ImageID & "','" & FileName & "'"
        Dim Command As New SqlDataAdapter(SQLstring, System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("OrderEnterConnection"))
        Command.Fill(ds, "xImages")
        Dim dv As DataView
        dv = ds.Tables("xImages").DefaultView()
        Return dv
    End Function

        Public Function GetPortalMenuItems() As DataSet
        Dim dset As New DataSet
        Return dset
    End Function

End Class

Here appears the first problem: the last "s" in Imports DAL05.DataAccess has a red underscore, but clicking "Error Correction Options" says, "no correction suggestions"

Apparently it doesn't know what DAL05.DataAccess is; so I looked for a "References" folder in my project - there isn't one. The legacy project has a Bin folder with DAL05:

enter image description here

I had a problem with/question about adding this, too, here.

So is it that the legacy project targets .NET Framework 3.5, and the new one targets 4.5 that is causing the mismatch/confusion? Is DAL05.DataAccess the wrong thing to import? Has it been superseded by something else?

Under Project > Properties > References > Imported namespaces, I added "Microsoft.SqlServer", which then let me know that some of my Imports were unnecessary, so that I now only have:

Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Data

...but when I added this method:

Public Function LogAction(ByVal SessionID As String, ByVal userId As String, ByVal action As String, ByVal comment As String) As DataTable
    Dim sqlDAL As New SQLServer(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("OrderEnterConnection"))
    Dim SQLstring As String = "Exec fredFlintstone '" & SessionID & "','" & userId & "','" & action & "','" & comment & "'"
    Dim dset As DataSet
    dset = sqlDAL.runSQLDataSet(SQLstring)
    Return dset.Tables(0)
End Function

...SQLServer is redded up, and the "helpful hint" there tells me:

Type 'SQLServer' is not defined.

...with the following options:

Change 'SQLServer' to 'SQLError'
Generate 'Class SQLServer'
Generate new type...

None of these options seem sensible to me.

If it's really not possible to use the SQLServer class, what should I use instead?


Even stranger to me (maybe because I am a stranger to VB) is that, although "SQLServer" is red in the editor and unrecognized, when I rebuild the project, it succeeds? How could that be?

If I F5 the project, it does fail:

Compilation Error

Description: An error occurred during the compilation of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific error details and modify your source code appropriately. 

Compiler Error Message: BC30002: Type 'SQLServer' is not defined.

Source Error:    

Line 21: 
Line 22:     Public Function LogAction(ByVal SessionID As String, ByVal userId As String, ByVal action As String, ByVal comment As String) As DataTable
Line 23:         Dim sqlDAL As New SQLServer(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("OrderEnterConnection"))
Line 24:         Dim SQLstring As String = "Exec sp_LogAction_Net '" & SessionID & "','" & userId & "','" & action & "','" & comment & "'"
Line 25:         Dim dset As DataSet

Source File: C:\Projects\MemberOrderEntryNew\MemberOrderEntry3\MemberOrderEntry3\App_Code\commonClass.vb    Line: 23

...but that it (re)builds fine is confusing to me.


I also tried System.Data.SQLClient, but to no avail - it has the same problem as "SQLServer":

enter image description here


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