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Is there a default max to gorm list method on domain object in grails 3.2

For the life of me I cannot understand why in a controller that inherits from RestfulController, that the index method only returns 4 rows. Is this a default setting? The same behavior happens when I override the method, like so.

import grails.converters.*

class WidgitController extends RestfulController {
    static responseFormats = ['json', 'xml']
    WidgitController() {

    def index() {
        def w = Widgit.findAllWhere(isEnabled: true, [max: 10]) //w: sizec4
        def w2 = listAllResources(params) //w2: size 4
        respond w

Any help would be appreciated.


  • Turns out the problem comes under better focus when you look up paging.

    depending on how your domain objects are spec'd out gorm will us a different resultTransformer. In my case I had a one to many relationship that was spec'd as

    orders(lazy:false, fetch:"join")

    the fetch as join told gorm to do a large query and then reduce the set of data after the max offset was applied.

    for more reading look into the following:

