So i’m trying to write a query to fetch users based on the skills they have, the implementation goes like this :
A user has primary and secondary skills, both using acts_as_taggable_on
this is the scope i’ve got now
scope :by_skills, (lambda do |primary, secondary|
if primary.present? && secondary.present?
tagged_with(primary, on: :primary_skills, any: true)
.tagged_with(secondary, on: :secondary_skills, any: true)
elsif primary.present?
tagged_with(primary, on: :primary_skills, any: true)
elsif secondary.present?
tagged_with(secondary, on: :secondary_skills, any: true)
problem with this now is that if both primary & secondary is present, the query fired would be an AND
i.e primary and secondary,
I’d like it to be an OR
, and in no way am i able to figure that out
Try or
introduced in Rails 5.
scope :by_skills, (lambda do |primary, secondary|
if primary.present? && secondary.present?
tagged_with(primary, on: :primary_skills, any: true).or(
tagged_with(secondary, on: :secondary_skills, any: true))
elsif primary.present?
tagged_with(primary, on: :primary_skills, any: true)
elsif secondary.present?
tagged_with(secondary, on: :secondary_skills, any: true)