I tried to run the following command:
set Sys_DisplayTitle = (SELECT EP190_1 FROM EN190 WHERE Sys_ID = 4705)
WHERE Sys_ID = 4706
The value of (SELECT EP190_1 FROM EN190 WHERE Sys_ID = 4705) is a string:
and that what I expected to be in (SELECT EP190_1 FROM EN190 WHERE Sys_ID = 4706)
but the value in this field is now the following string:
How can I solve this?
not a really "clean" solution, but it works.
UPDATE EN190 set Sys_DisplayTitle = (SELECT EP190_1 FROM EN190 WHERE Sys_ID = 4705),
Sys_DisplayTitle= Sys_DisplayTitle.replace("[","").replace("]","")
WHERE Sys_ID = 4706