I have PGADMIN 3 on my Window system. I am not able to connect to Greenplum-Postgresql which is under Virtualbox-Centos machine. Inside Virtualbox I am able to createdb using psql, but not using pgadmin from windows machine.
Please suggest what should I do now.
You might not have the gpadmin database either. Start with this:
psql template1 -c "select * from pg_database where datname = 'gpadmin'"
If the database doesn't exist, do this:
psql template1 -c "create database gpadmin"
Next, execute this to allow external connections that are authenticated with encrypted password:
echo "host all all md5" >> $MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY/pg_hba.conf
psql -c "alter user gpadmin password 'password'"
gpstop -u
Back to pgAdmin, connect to your vm (use ifconfig to get the ip address) as user gpadmin, password 'password', and port 5432.