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Is Times Ten Dialect supported by Hibernate

Trying to use Oracle's Times Ten db instead of hsqldb for performance reasons. I read where you need to create a new hibernate.jar file using times ten sql dialect class file. This is proving to be a little challenging. Does hibernate now work with times ten dialect?


  • I read where you need to create a new hibernate.jar file using times ten sql dialect class file.

    Where did you read that? Unless you need change Hibernate, there is no need to recompile Hibernate to use a Dialect, as long as it's available on the classpath.

    Does hibernate now work with times ten dialect?

    Never tried myself but Oracle's TimesTen 7 includes org.hibernate.dialect.TimesTen7Dialect that is supposed to work with newer versions (i.e. TimesTen 11g).

    TimesTen dialects have been submitted for inclusion into Hibernate (see HHH-3067) but still aren't. So either download TimesTen 7 (or maybe get it from HHH-3061 but I can't say if they are similar).