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Spaces in name of local file are replaced with zeroes when opened in browser

I have a .bat file that opens a local file in a browser. The path to the local file contains spaces (not by my choice):


However, the browser changes this to:


The %20 is replaced with 0 instead of , so the link does not work.

I've tried replacing file:/// with file:\\ and a different browser, but the result is the same. What am I missing? I can't change the name or path of the target file.


  • You have to escape the % with another one like this:




    Reason for that is the fact that %2 stands for the second argument, that got send to the batch file:

    yourBat.bat first second

    would result in your browser path beeing


    as %2 gets substituted with the word second.

    With another % added this will be escaped.