I have ActiveMQ with support stomp
<transportConnector name="stomp" uri="stomp://"/>
The client connects to ActiveMQ, and can send messages to:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from stompy import stomp
s = stomp.Stomp(amq_ip, amq_port)
s.connect(username=amq_user, password=amq_pass) # connecting to AMQ
body = '{"sample_msg": "%s"}' % "for second client"
message = {
"destination": "/queue/test_queue",
"body": body,
"persistent": "true"
s.send(message) # sending message
except stomp.ConnectionError:
print u"Couldn’t connect to the STOMP server."
except stomp.ConnectionTimeoutError:
print u"Timed-out while establishing connection to the STOMP server."
except stomp.NotConnectedError:
print u"No longer connected to the STOMP server."
except Exception as e:
print e
and a few clients, whichs can receive the messages:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from stompy import stomp
import json
s = stomp.Stomp(amq_ip, amq_port)
s.connect(username=amq_user, password=amq_pass)
s.subscribe({'destination': '/queue/%s' % amq_queue, 'ack': 'client'})
except Exception as e:
print "ActiveMQ error\n %s" % e
while True:
frame = s.receive_frame()
body = json.loads(frame.body)
# This message for me?
if body["sample_msg"] == "for first client":
print "Its for me. I receive it"
# This message for me. I'll take it and treat
# This message is intended for someone else, and does not suit me
print "Its not for me"
except Exception as e:
print e
The current configuration of the AMQ message takes only one client. But not the fact that this client has to handle the message.
How do I broadcast messages? Or maybe it is possible to identify all clients subscribed to?
Use "/topic/test_topic" instead of "/queue/test_queue". Queue is point-to-point. Topic is publish and subscribe, which is what you want.