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Task Management Script (1 database of tasks all users must complete indipendantly)?

Explanation: I currently have a database of thousands of tasks and a few hundred people that can see these tasks. Each user has their own login but all see the same list of tasks and all have to complete all of these tasks.

My Problem: I want each user to be able to mark each task complete as completed within their account without marking it complete for all other users.

What I currently have: 1 table of tasks and descriptions, 1 table of users, 1 table of discussion on each task. Users can login and see all of the tasks but cannot mark them complete.

I'm not sure if I am explaining this well enough but I am just looking for any insight as to the best way to get started with this as I kind of hit a brick wall and need people smarter than me to give their insights :)

Thank you all in advance for your comments.


  • You need one more table that holds the relation between the users and the task. Everytime a user completes a task you make an entry into that table:

     idx   task_id    user_id 
       1     1        3
       2     4        3
       3     1        5  ...

    That way you can query for users who have completed a task, or the tasks completed by a user, the tasks that have not been completed by a user, etc...