We are working on a assignment for datacommunications where we have to declare a nested function handle in matlab. We did a few tests on how matlab handles this but nothing works.
This is one of the tests:
f = @(x) x.^2;
d = @(x,u) f(x) + u;
With this test matlab gives a undefined function or variable x. What do we have to do to fix this?
Kind regards
Full code:
[~, distr] = make_probability_functions(Quantization.filename);
%distr is a matrix of certain values
x_0 = 127.5;
M = 8;
delta= 10:1:30;
q = @(i) x_0+(i-(M+1)/2);
r = @(i) x_0+((2*i-M)*delta)/2;
f = @(u,i) ((q(i)-u).^2)*distr(u);
int_gran=@(delta,i) int(f,u,q(i)-delta/2,q(i)+delta/2);
s_gran=@(delta) symsum(int_gran(delta,i),i,0,M);
s_ol=@(delta) int(@(u)f(u,1),u,-inf,q(1)-delta/2)+int(@(u)f(u,M),q(m)+delta/2,inf);
s_e=@(delta) s_gran(delta)+s_ol(delta);
%plot GKD
Undefined function or variable 'u'.
Error in Quantization>@(delta,i)int(f,u,q(i)-delta/2,q(i)+delta/2)
Error in Quantization>@(delta)symsum(int_gran(delta,i),i,0,M)
Error in Quantization>@(delta)s_gran(delta)+s_ol(delta) (line 59)
s_e=@(delta) s_gran(delta)+s_ol(delta);
Error in Quantization.determine_optimal_uniform_quantizer (line 62)
Error in script_run (line 1)
You have to pass actual values to d
. The issue is that the x
that you're passing to d
is not defined. There is no issue with the anonymous functions themselves.
f = @(x) x.^2;
d = @(x,u) f(x) + u;
d(1, 2)
% 3
If you want to use x
and u
as inputs to d
, you'll need to define them
x = 1; u = 2;
d(x, u)