i have just created a new project and this models and the fixtures below:
id: ~
code: { type: CHAR, size: 6, default: 'it', required: true }
text: { type: VARCHAR, size: 50, default: 'italiano',
required: true }
folder_prod: { type: VARCHAR, size: 50, default: 'italian',
required: true }
id: ~
culture_id: { type: integer, required: true,
foreignTable: culture, foreignReference: id }
nations_id: { type: integer, required: true,
foreignTable: nations, foreignReference: id }
paese_indirizzo: { type: varchar(32), required: true }
ufficio: { type: varchar(64), required: true}
indirizzo: { type: longvarchar, required: true }
italiano: {code: "it", text: "italiano", folder_prod: "italian" }
frencese: {code: "fr", text: "francese", folder_prod: "francoise" }
inglese: {code: "en", text: "inglese", folder_prod: "english" }
sede_roma_1_italiano: { culture_id: 1, nations_id: 105,
paese_indirizzo: Italia, ufficio: "Ufficio 1:", indirizzo:
sede_roma_1_francese: { culture_id: 2, nations_id: 105,
paese_indirizzo: Italia, ufficio: "Rome Office 1:", indirizzo:
"XXXX" }
sede_roma_1_spagnolo: { culture_id: 4, nations_id: 105,
paese_indirizzo: Italia, ufficio: "Oficina 1", indirizzo:
"xxxx" }
When i do propel:build-all-load
it says:
The object "1" from class "Culture" is not defined in your data file.
So it's not inserting the culture fixtures but i dont know why...If I
remove the sediOK model and fixtures, and then do build-all-load
culture fixtures are inserted ok.
Any idea?
The references to culture_id: 1
, culture_id: 2
and culture_id: 4
are not defined in the above fixtures - you need to set the sediOK
fixtures to reference the cultures by their identifiers, not their IDs in the database.
So, for you examples, the 'internal' fixture IDs are italiano, frencese and inglese. Change your lines culture_id: 1
, culture_id: 2
and culture_id: 4
to culture_id: italiano
, culture_id: frencese
and culture_id: inglese
Read the book for more details on this syntax.