I need to calculate the md5 sum of a file in Elixir, how can this be achieved? I would expect that something like:
iex(15)> {:ok, f} = File.open "file"
{:ok, #PID<0.334.0>}
iex(16)> :crypto.hash(:md5, f)
** (ArgumentError) argument error
(crypto) crypto.erl:225: :crypto.hash/2
But clearly it doesn't work..
The documentation of Mix.Utils tells about read_path/2, but it didn't worked either.
iex(22)> Mix.Utils.read_path("file", [:sha512])
{:ok, "Elixir"} #the expected was {:checksum, "<checksum_value>"}
Is there any library that provides such functionality in a easy way?
In case anyone else finds this question and misses @FredtheMagicWonderDog's comment . . .
Check out this blog posting: http://www.cursingthedarkness.com/2015/04/how-to-get-hash-of-file-in-exilir.html
And here's the relevant code:
|> Enum.reduce(:crypto.hash_init(:sha256),fn(line, acc) -> :crypto.hash_update(acc,line) end )
|> :crypto.hash_final
|> Base.encode16
#=> "97368E46417DF00CB833C73457D2BE0509C9A404B255D4C70BBDC792D248B4A2"
NB: I'm posting this as community wiki. I'm not trying to get rep points; just trying to ensure the answer isn't buried in comments.