This is a part of my shell script, where ${1} is 'input.html' and ${2} is 'output.pdf':
wkhtmltopdf "${1}" "${2}" --page-size letter --dpi 150 --margin-top 0.2in --margin-bottom 0.2in --margin-left 0.2in --margin-right 0.2in
When I ran the above, I got the following error:
--page-size specified in incorrect location
My wkhtmltopdf version:
$ wkhtmltopdf --version
wkhtmltopdf 0.12.0 final
Changed it to:
wkhtmltopdf --page-size letter --dpi 150 --margin-top 0.2in --margin-bottom 0.2in --margin-left 0.2in --margin-right 0.2in "${1}" "${2}"
and it worked.