I am using Fabric sdk for Twitter. In this I am able to make login request as it's described in its document. Now I wan't to get list of follower of logged in user and show in a listview.I have tried many links but these links not work for me
How to get list of followers using Twitter Fabric Android?
Can't get List of followers in Twitter using Fabric
then i tried this code but still my app crashed everytime when i run it.
class MyTwitterApiClient extends TwitterApiClient
public MyTwitterApiClient(TwitterSession session)
public CustomService getCustomService() {
return getService(CustomService.class);
interface CustomService {
Call<User> show(@Query("user_id") Long userId, @Query("screen_name") String
var, @Query("skip_status") Boolean var1, @Query("include_user_entities") Boolean var2, @Query("count") Integer var3, Callback < Followers > cb);
Called like this:
new MyTwitterApiClient(session).getCustomService().show(userID, null, true, true, 100, new Callback<User>() {
public void success(Result<User> result) {
LogUtils.LOGI("Get success",result.toString());
public void failure(TwitterException e) {
By this method I am not able to get followers. Thanks.
You have to use updated version Retrofit2.
Write following code in your gradle file:-
compile 'com.squareup.retrofit2:retrofit:2.1.0'
Try Following code :
public interface TwitterFollowersService {
* This method id used to get the List of TWITTER FOLLOWERS.
* @param userId Get UserId after login and pass it here
* @param var Send Current user screen name
* @param var1 Weather to skip status accept TRUE/FALSE
* @param var2 Weather to include Entities accept TRUE/FALSE
* @param var3 Count to get number of response
* @return Call object of type FOLLOWERS.
Call<Response> show(@Query("user_id") Long userId, @Query("screen_name") String
var, @Query("skip_status") Boolean var1, @Query("include_user_entities") Boolean
var2, @Query("count") Integer var3);
use this code in you class/Activity:
private Callback<TwitterSession> authorizeCallback = new Callback<TwitterSession>() {
public void success(com.twitter.sdk.android.core.Result<TwitterSession> result) {
TwitterSession session = Twitter.getSessionManager().getActiveSession();
if (isNetworkAvailable(this)) {
if (session != null) {
TwitterApiServices apiclients = new TwitterApiServices(session);
Call<Response> call = apiclients.getCustomService().show(result.data.getUserId(), result.data.getUserName(), true, false, 100);
call.enqueue(new retrofit2.Callback<Response>() {
public void onResponse(Call<Response> call, retrofit2.Response<Response> response) {
if (response.body().getUsers().size() > 0) {
ArrayList<TwitterFollowersList> twitterFollowersList = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < response.body().getUsers().size(); i++) {
TwitterFollowersList twitterFollowers = new TwitterFollowersList();
Log.d("TwitterFollowers", "ID: " + response.body().getUsers().get(i).getId() + " Name: " + response.body().getUsers().get(i).getName() + " ProfileImageURL: " + response.body().getUsers().get(i).getProfile_image_url());
//Upload twitter folowers to server.
public void onFailure(Call<Response> call, Throwable t) {
showToast(this, "Unable to get response. Try Again!!");
} else {
showToast(this, getResources().getString(R.string.server_error));
} else {
showToast(this, getResources().getString(R.string.no_internet));
public void failure(TwitterException e) {
showToast(this, getResources().getString(R.string.server_error));
Use these following model classes as a response, and make their getter setter:
public class Response {
private List<Users> users;
private String next_cursor;
private String previous_cursor_str;
private String previous_cursor;
private String next_cursor_str;
public class Users {
private String location;
private String default_profile;
private String profile_background_tile;
private String statuses_count;
private String live_following;
private String lang;
private String profile_link_color;
private String profile_banner_url;
private String id;
private String following;
private String muting;
//private String protected;
private String favourites_count;
private String profile_text_color;
private String description;
private String verified;
private String contributors_enabled;
private String profile_sidebar_border_color;
private String name;
private String profile_background_color;
private String created_at;
private String is_translation_enabled;
private String default_profile_image;
private String followers_count;
private String has_extended_profile;
private String profile_image_url_https;
private String geo_enabled;
//private Status status;
private String profile_background_image_url;
private String profile_background_image_url_https;
private String follow_request_sent;
//private Entities entities;
private String url;
private String utc_offset;
private String time_zone;
private String blocking;
private String notifications;
private String profile_use_background_image;
private String friends_count;
private String blocked_by;
private String profile_sidebar_fill_color;
private String screen_name;
private String id_str;
private String profile_image_url;
private String listed_count;
private String is_translator;
Hope it will help you. :)