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Kurento + Java Spring Client + IOS - Web to IOS communication

We are trying out Kurento 6.0 + Java Spring Client. The Examples works well (one2one call + one2one-recording). We are trying to implement the same functionality on an IOS app so that we can do Peer (IOS) -> Peer (Web) calls. But unfortunately - the documentation is not very clear.

The Kurento Server and Java Spring Boot application are deployed to an AWS ec2 instance and stun servers are configured.

We are using the call https://kurento-IP:8443/call with json to register:

var message = {
   id : 'register',
   name : name


And it works!


How can we now initiate a call in IOS after that?

Should the iOS be communicating to the Spring App (https://kurento-IP:8443/call) or directly to ws://kurento-ip:8888/kurento (We guess should be both?)

On the Web the JS does the following to make a call:

webRtcPeer = new kurentoUtils.WebRtcPeer.WebRtcPeerSendrecv(options,
      function(error) {
         if (error) {
            return console.error(error);

onOfferCall - calls directly the Web!

We were looking into the Kurento IOS documentation, but couldn't yet figure out. How can we convert this into IOS?

Any help would be highly appreciated!


  • Your iOS app should be sending the messages to the signaling server. I'd suggest you read this small introduction from the documentation, and spend some time understanding where your application architecture fits in this diagram enter image description here

    Hint: It's not the first one ;-)