hello i have 2 parent (or more ...) block and many child blocks inside them.
Block1 {
blockchild1 {
blockchild2 {
, ...
Block2 {
blockchild1 {
blockchild2 {
, ...
i want to use php regex and get first all parents blocks inside
but this regex stop when arrive to first childblock close }
means first data receive is
Block1 {
blockchild1 {
but i want to get some thing like this
array 1 = Block1
array 2 = blockchild1 {
blockchild2 {
, ...
i want the regex pass child blocks [}]
and get everything inside of parents block. my regex is PCRE (PHP)
You need to use a recursive pattern:
$pattern = '~(\w+)\s*{([^{}]*(?:{(?2)}[^{}]*)*)}~';
~ # delimiter
(\w+) # capture group 1: block name
\s* # eventual whitespaces
( # capture group 2
[^{}]* # all that isn't a curly bracket
{ (?2) } # reference to the capture group 2 subpattern
Note that the reference to the capture group 2 is inside the capture group 2 itself, that's why the pattern is recursive.