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maven profile dependency

I have a maven module with 2 profile profile-a and profile-b

profile-a can be used independent but profile-b should be run with profile-a

mvn install -P profile-a                   // valid
mvn install -P profile-a,profile-b         // valid
mvn install -P profile-b                   // INVALID

is there anyway to make sure that user cannot install the module with only profile-b? or active the profile-a automatically if profile-b used alone?


  • is there anyway to make sure that user cannot install the module with only profile-b? or active the profile-a automatically if profile-b used alone?

    No, there is no way to trigger a profile from another one (not supported, see Brett's answer to a related question) nor to strictly forbid the use of a given profile.

    The best thing you can do is to use property activation and a common property to activate both profiles:


    And passing the property when invoking mvn would trigger both of them:

    $ mvn help:active-profiles -DpropertyX
    [INFO] Scanning for projects...
    [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [INFO] Building Q4099626 1.0-SNAPSHOT
    [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [INFO] --- maven-help-plugin:2.1.1:active-profiles (default-cli) @ Q4099626 ---
    Active Profiles for Project 'com.stackoverflow:Q4099626:jar:1.0-SNAPSHOT': 
    The following profiles are active:
     - profile-a (source: pom)
     - profile-b (source: pom)

    That's not ideal, but currently, that's the best you can get.

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