For example, I have a time data with string format:
I want to convert it to BigDecimal
and tried:
a = '00:25:23;16'.to_d
=> #<BigDecimal:96cb548,'0.0',9(18)>
When I check a:
=> 0
It looks not the true value. Then how to convert it the right way?
I expect the bigdecimal value like this(Maybe not a right value):
Assuming the ;16
means milliseconds then maybe you are looking for this?
> str = "00:25:23;16"
=> "00:25:23;16"
> h, m, s, ms = str.split(/[:;]/).map(&:to_f)
=> [0.0, 25.0, 23.0, 16.0]
> h * 3600 + m * 60 + s + ms/1000
=> 1523.016