I do a lot of vim and terminal work. It would be great if I could run a terminal command like http-server
or nodemon
and then go into vim, make edits in multiplte buffers and quickly switch to look at my terminal for http-server output or nodemon logs, and then switch back to vim.
What is an easy what to do this?
I'm trying to decide between neovim's terminal emulator, I can't quite get ctrl
+ z
and fg to work for me, because putting http-server in the background stops it's function for some reason.
Any other suggestions are welcome too. Ideally I could view my terminal in just another vim buffer.
You can exit neovim's terminal mode with <C-\><C-n>
(ctrl-backslash followed by ctrl-n), which puts you back in normal mode with any processes still running.
I have it mapped to a slightly more convenient key combination (ctrl-left bracket twice):
tnoremap <C-[><C-[> <C-\><C-n>