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Function That Receives and Rotates Character - Caesar Cipher

I'm trying to create a function

rotate_character(char, rot)

that receives a character, "char" (a string with a length of 1), and an integer "rot". The function should return a new string with a length of 1, which is the result of rotating char by rot number of places to the right.

So an input of "A" for char and "13" for rot would return


(with A having an initial value of 0, and B having an initial value of 1, etc). Capitalization should be maintained during rotation.

I already created a function that returns the position of a letter in the alphabet by using a dictionary:

letter = input("Enter a letter: ")

def alphabet_position(letter):
    alphabet_pos = {'A':0, 'a':0, 'B':1, 'b':1, 'C':2, 'c':2, 'D':3,
                    'd':3, 'E':4, 'e':4, 'F':5, 'f':5, 'G':6, 'g':6,
                    'H':7, 'h':7, 'I':8, 'i':8, 'J':9, 'j':9, 'K':10,
                    'k':10, 'L':11, 'l':11, 'M':12, 'm':12, 'N': 13,
                    'n':13, 'O':14, 'o':14, 'P':15, 'p':15, 'Q':16,
                    'q':16, 'R':17, 'r':17, 'S':18, 's':18, 'T':19,
                    't':19, 'U':20, 'u':20, 'V':21, 'v':21, 'W':22,
                    'w':22, 'X':23, 'x':23, 'Y':24, 'y':24, 'Z':25, 'z':25 }
    pos = alphabet_pos[letter]
    return pos  

I figure that I can use this function to get the initial value of (char) before rotation.

def rotate_character(char, rot)
    initial_char = alphabet_position(char)
    final_char = initial_char + rot

But my problem is that, if initial_char + rot is greater than 25, I need to wrap back to the beginning of the alphabet and continue counting. So an input of "w" (initial value of 22) + an input of 8 for rot should return


How do I say this using python?

if final_char > 25, start at the beginning of the list and continue counting

And do I necessarily need to use the dictionary that I created in the alphabet_position function? It was also suggested that I find the character number by using Python's built-in list of letters, like this:

import string

letter = input('enter a letter: ')

def alphabet_position(letter):
    letter = letter.lower()
    return list(string.ascii_lowercase).index(letter)


I'm not sure which one of these is the better option to go with when you have to wrap while you're counting. Thanks for your help / suggestions!


Now my code looks like this:

letter = input("enter a letter")
rotate = input("enter a number")

def rotate(letter, rotate):
    letter = letter.lower()
    return chr((ord(letter) + rotate - 97) % 26 + 97)



def rotate(letter, number):
    letter = letter.lower()
    shift = 97 if letter.islower() else 65
    return chr((ord(letter) + number - shift) % 26 + shift)

letter = input('Enter a letter: ')
number = int(eval(input('Enter a number: ')
print(rotate(letter, number))

gave me a ParseError: "ParseError: bad input on line 8" (the print line)


  • def rotate(letter, rot):
        shift = 97 if letter.islower() else 65
        return chr((ord(letter) + rot - shift) % 26 + shift)
    letter = input('Enter a letter: ')
    rot = int(input('Enter a number: '))
    print(rotate(letter, rot))