I want to customize color for NSLinkAttributeName
in UILabel. But setting NSForegroundColorAttributeName
not affect link text color, it still blue.
But NSUnderlineColorAttributeName
works and I was able to customize underline color. Is it possible to change link text color somehow?
I also had same issue when I tried to customize UILabel, and I figured, that NSLinkAttributeName
has bigger priority than NSForegroundColorAttributeName
. Or, maybe, NSLinkAttributeName
processed after foreground color.
I ended with cycle through all NSLinkAttributeName
and replace it with my custom attribute with name CustomLinkAttribute
. After that it works like a charm. And I was also able to get link, by accessing to my custom attribute
func setupHtmlLinkTextStyle(attributedString: NSAttributedString) -> NSAttributedString {
let updatedString = NSMutableAttributedString(attributedString: attributedString)
in: NSRange(location: 0, length: attributedString.length),
options: [],
{(attribute, range, stop) in
if attribute != nil {
var attributes = updatedString.attributes(at: range.location, longestEffectiveRange: nil, in: range)
attributes[NSForegroundColorAttributeName] = UIColor.green
attributes[NSUnderlineColorAttributeName] = UIColor.green
attributes[NSStrokeColorAttributeName] = UIColor.green
attributes["CustomLinkAttribute"] = attribute!
attributes.removeValue(forKey: NSLinkAttributeName)
updatedString.setAttributes(attributes, range: range)
return updatedString