I have the following document in my MongoDB test database:
{[ {
"_id" : ObjectId("5113d680732fb764c44qweq"),
"Builds" : [
"level" : 1,
"rank" : 2
"level" : 3,
"rank" : 4
"abs" : [
"level" : 3,
"status" : 5
"level" : 3,
"status" : 4
}, {
"_id" : ObjectId("5113d680732fb764c4464fdf"),
"Builds" : [
"level" : 3,
"rank" : 5
"level" : 3,
"rank" : 4
"abs" : [
"level" : 3,
"status" : 5
"level" : 3,
"status" : 4
I need find Builds level >=2 and <= 5 and abs status >=5 it like if(builds.leve >=2 && builds.level <= 5 && abs.status >=5 && abs.level>=2) multiple conditions and need take a size of values May you help me?
Here is an sample for you. I am not much into mongo cxx so i am not sure about the syntax.
bsoncxx::builder::stream::document filter_builder;
filter_builder << "$or" << "Builds.level"
<< open_document << "$gte" << 1 << "$lte" << 5 << close_document
<< open_document << "abs.status" << "$gte" << 2 << "$lte" << 5
<< close_document << close_array;
auto cursor = db["your collection name"].find(filter_builder.view());
for (auto&& doc : cursor) {
std::cout << bsoncxx::to_json(doc) << std::endl;