[Apologies for posting a non-programming topic, but I thought this post would help others in need.]
I'm trying to get synergy working between a PC and a Mac.
I'm using auto-config, and all the default settings. It works perfectly with the mac as the server.
However, when the PC is the server and the mac as client, the PC first detects a zeroconf client, but then just sits there with no more log messages. Meanwhile, the mac client keeps "timing out" and never connects.
Things I've checked:
I have a Macbook (10.11) called Ian-Mac.local, with IP address
I have a Windows 10 Laptop called Ian-PC with 5 different IP addresses listed. The default one is
Here's the debug-level log from the PC:
[2016-12-06T12:04:49] NOTE: started server, waiting for clients
[2016-12-06T12:04:49] DEBUG: event queue is ready
[2016-12-06T12:04:49] DEBUG: add pending events to buffer
[2016-12-06T12:04:49] DEBUG: screen "Ian-PC" shape changed
[2016-12-06T12:04:49] DEBUG: accepted ipc client connection
[2016-12-06T12:04:49] DEBUG: start ipc handle data
[2016-12-06T12:04:49] DEBUG: ipc read: IHEL
[2016-12-06T12:04:49] DEBUG: finished ipc handle data
[2016-12-06T12:04:49] DEBUG: ipc hello, type=node
[2016-12-06T12:04:49] INFO: watchdog status: ok
[2016-12-06T12:04:50] DEBUG: started process, session=1, elevated: yes, command="C:/Program Files (x86)/Synergy/synergys.exe" -f --no-tray --debug DEBUG --name Ian-PC --ipc --enable-drag-drop --profile-dir "C:\Users\Ian\AppData\Local" -c "C:/Users/Ian/AppData/Local/Temp/qt_temp.ZU7304" --address :24800 --serial-key MY_LICENCE_KEY --res-w 1920 --res-h 1080 --prm-wc 960 --prm-hc 540
[2016-12-06T12:04:55] INFO: zeroconf client detected: Ian-Mac.local
Here's the debug-level log from the mac:
2016-12-06T12:12:02] INFO: starting client
[2016-12-06T12:12:02] INFO: command: /Applications/Synergy.app/Contents/MacOS/synergyc -f --no-tray --debug DEBUG --name Ian-Mac.local --enable-drag-drop
[2016-12-06T12:12:02] INFO: config file: /var/folders/k3/rzjn4xxj5tz3j1ygq72cwyj00000gp/T/Synergy.txK899
[2016-12-06T12:12:02] INFO: log level: DEBUG
[2016-12-06T12:12:03] INFO: drag and drop enabled
[2016-12-06T12:12:03] DEBUG: screen shape: center=0,0 size=1920x1080 on 1 display
[2016-12-06T12:12:03] DEBUG: starting watchSystemPowerThread
[2016-12-06T12:12:03] DEBUG: adopting new buffer
[2016-12-06T12:12:03] DEBUG: opened display
[2016-12-06T12:12:03] NOTE: started client
[2016-12-06T12:12:03] NOTE: connecting to '':
[2016-12-06T12:12:03] DEBUG: waiting for carbon loop
[2016-12-06T12:12:03] DEBUG: started watchSystemPowerThread
[2016-12-06T12:12:03] DEBUG: waiting for event loop
[2016-12-06T12:12:03] DEBUG: event queue is ready
[2016-12-06T12:12:03] DEBUG: signalling carbon loop ready
[2016-12-06T12:12:03] DEBUG: add pending events to buffer
[2016-12-06T12:12:03] DEBUG: starting carbon loop
[2016-12-06T12:12:03] DEBUG: carbon loop ready
2016-12-06 12:12:03.091 synergyc[1059:39119] starting cocoa loop
[2016-12-06T12:12:18] WARNING: failed to connect to server: Timed out
[2016-12-06T12:12:18] DEBUG: retry in 1 seconds
[2016-12-06T12:12:19] NOTE: connecting to '':
[2016-12-06T12:12:34] WARNING: failed to connect to server: Timed out
[2016-12-06T12:12:34] DEBUG: retry in 1 seconds
Synergy picked up the wrong IP address!
I have a Windows 10 Laptop called Ian-PC with 5 different IP addresses listed. The default one is
on the windows machine showed that the IP address picked up by synergy was for my "Ethernet adapter VirtualBox Host-Only Network". The issue was due to my installation of "Virtual Box".
Instead of using the default IP, I entered the one listed by IPCONFIG
as "Wireless LAN adapter Wi-Fi", which was