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WFFM Image Uploaded event Sitecore 8

I have to execute some custom operations once the WFFM File Upload Item is uploaded in Sitecore Media Library.

How I can get the uploaded WFFM media Item in C#. Which Event/Processor/Pipeline/Config needs to add/update .

I am using below code , it works when i uploaded media manually but not when media comes from Web form Marketer:-

public class ProcessMedia : UploadProcessor
    public void Process(UploadArgs args)


  • You can add a custom processor to the formUploadFile pipeline, the default definition of which can be found in Sitecore.Forms.config.

    public class ProcessMedia
        public void Process(FormUploadFileArgs args)
            var itemUri = ItemUri.Parse(args.Result);
            var item = Sitecore.Data.Database.GetItem(itemUri);
            // do some stuff...

    And then patch your processor in:

          <processor type="MyCustomProject.Forms.Pipelines.ProcessMedia, MyCustomProject.Forms" />

    The processor will be patched in after Sitecore.Form.Core.Pipelines.FormUploadFile.Save which is the pipeline responsible for saving files to the Media Library in WFFM.