I'm new to F# so sorry if this looks too stupid. I'm trying to listen to file creation and deletion events via FileSystemWatcher
. Now i want to create a watcher to display the count of changes based on files added and deleted in a directory. So whenever a file gets added to a directory count increases by one and decreases when file gets deleted. My code below:
let watcher = new FileSystemWatcher(@".")
watcher.EnableRaisingEvents <- true
let created = watcher.Created
let deleted = watcher.Deleted
type Change =
| Addition of string
| Removal of string
let a = created |> Observable.map (fun eventArgs ->
Addition eventArgs.Name)
let r = deleted |> Observable.map (fun eventArgs ->
Removal eventArgs.Name)
let changes = Observable.merge a r
let collector count state =
match state with
| Addition x -> count + 1
| Removal x -> count - 1
let createdCount =
changes |> Observable.scan (fun count s -> collector count s) 0
But it gives the following error on Observable.scan
This expression was expected to have type
but here has type
Types are same but i don't understand this FSI_xxxx part. What could be an issue?
This sort of error is caused when the compiler uses an older version of the same type.
The easiest solution is to restart the FSI session