I have a WindsorContainer
with a IModelInterceptorsSelector
. It works well except for component's that have no implementation (eg. have all behavior handled dynamically by an IInterceptor
If I try to resolve a component with an interface only, I get:
Castle.MicroKernel.ComponentActivator.ComponentActivatorException occurred
Message=Could not find a public constructor for type ConsoleApplication1.IInterfaceOnlyService. Windsor can not instantiate types that don't expose public constructors. To expose the type as a service add public constructor, or use custom component activator.
at Castle.MicroKernel.ComponentActivator.DefaultComponentActivator.FastCreateInstance(Type implType, Object[] arguments, Type[] signature)
But if I manually specify the interceptor at registration time, it works just fine. Is this a bug in Windsor or am I doing something wrong?
The code to reproduce is fairly straightforward:
var container = new WindsorContainer();
container.Kernel.ProxyFactory.AddInterceptorSelector(new Selector());
container.Register(Component.For<IInterfaceOnlyService>()); // this doesn't work
// container.Register(Component.For<IInterfaceOnlyService>().Interceptors<TestInterceptor>()); // this works
var i = container.Resolve<IInterfaceOnlyService>();
public class Selector : IModelInterceptorsSelector
public bool HasInterceptors(ComponentModel model)
return model.Service != typeof (TestInterceptor);
public InterceptorReference[] SelectInterceptors(ComponentModel model, InterceptorReference[] interceptors)
return new[] { InterceptorReference.ForType<TestInterceptor>() };
This definitely seems to be a bug in Windsor. It looks like it has to do with accepting an InterceptorGroup for components without a target. That is:
In looking at the Castle source, the difference is that the first adds adescriptor directly:
return this.AddDescriptor(new InterceptorDescriptor<TService>(new
InterceptorReference[] { new InterceptorReference(typeof(TInterceptor)) }));
But the second uses an interceptor group internally:
return new InterceptorGroup<TService>((ComponentRegistration<TService>) this,
Accordingly, this seems to be a bug in InterceptorGroups.
My workaround (although hacky) is to use my LazyComponentLoader to call AddDescriptor directly.