For whatever reason, my Materialize drop down menus won't drop on hover (they should be default).
<ul id="dropdown2" class="dropdown-content">
<li><a href="#" class="hover-nav-finance" id="camp-dates">CAMP DATES</a></li>
<li><a href="#" class="hover-nav-finance" id="prices">CAMP PRICES</a></li>
<ul id="dropdown1" class="dropdown-content">
<li><a href="#" class="hover-nav-finance" id="finance-webhooks">STRIPE FORMS</a></li>
<li><a href="#" class="hover-nav-finance" id="update-forms">UPDATE FORMS</a></li>
<ul id="dropdown4" class="dropdown-content">
<li><a href="#" class="hover-nav-finance" id="camp-dates">CAMP DATES</a></li>
<li><a href="#" class="hover-nav-finance" id="prices">CAMP PRICES</a></li>
<ul id="dropdown3" class="dropdown-content">
<li><a href="#" class="hover-nav-finance" id="finance-webhooks">STRIPE FORMS</a></li>
<li><a href="#" class="hover-nav-finance" id="update-forms">UPDATE FORMS</a></li>
<div class="nav-wrapper">
<a href="#" class="brand-logo"> ACCOUNTING</a>
<a href="#" data-activates="mobile-demo" class="button-collapse"><i class="material-icons">menu</i></a>
<ul id="nav-mobile" class="right hide-on-med-and-down hlight">
<li><a href="#" class="bold-only" id="pay-by-check">CHECK PAYMENT</a></li>
<li><a class="dropdown-button bold-only" href="#" data-activates="dropdown2">SETTINGS<i class="material-icons right">arrow_drop_down</i></a></li>
<li><a class="dropdown-button bold-only" href="#" data-activates="dropdown1">WEBHOOKS<i class="material-icons right">arrow_drop_down</i></a></li>
<li><a href="#" class="bold-only" id="tuition-reports">REPORTS</a></li>
<li><a href="#" class="bold-only" id="finance-charts">CHARTS</a></li>
<ul class="side-nav" id="mobile-demo">
<li><a href="#" id="pay-by-check">CHECK PAYMENT</a></li>
<li><a class="dropdown-button" href="#" data-activates="dropdown4">SETTINGS<i class="material-icons right">arrow_drop_down</i></a></li>
<li><a class="dropdown-button" href="#" data-activates="dropdown3">WEBHOOKS<i class="material-icons right">arrow_drop_down</i></a></li>
<li><a href="#" id="tuition-reports">REPORTS</a></li>
<li><a href="#" id="finance-charts">CHARTS</a></li>
I've got the dropdown initialized (I'm in Meteor so initializing would be inside an onRendered Template):
Template.myTemplate.onRendered(function() {
So my thought was to see if I could force it with some CSS (one of my weaknesses):
.nav-wrapper ul.hlight li:hover #dropdown2 {
display: block;
Arg. This is wrong. Can I force this in CSS if the default isn't working? Right now my version of Meteor is using jQuery 1.11
Classic approach do not work with Materialize CSS because it has its own JavaScript methods.
Define dropdown-button
& dropdown-content
in your template like:
<!-- Dropdown Trigger -->
<a class='dropdown-button btn' href='#' data-activates='dropdown1'>Drop Me!</a>
<!-- Dropdown Structure -->
<ul id="dropdown1" class="dropdown-content">
<li><a href="#" class="hover-nav-finance" id="camp-dates">CAMP DATES</a></li>
<li><a href="#" class="hover-nav-finance" id="prices">CAMP PRICES</a></li>
Then on client-side JavaScript initiate it like:
Template.myTemplate.onRendered(function() {
inDuration: 300,
outDuration: 225,
constrain_width: false, // Does not change width of dropdown to that of the activator
hover: true, // Activate on hover
gutter: 0, // Spacing from edge
belowOrigin: false, // Displays dropdown below the button
alignment: 'left' // Displays dropdown with edge aligned to the left of button
Now on hover, it will drop because you defined: hover: true, // Activate on hover
I think you missed dropdown-button
For more information: