In my PhoneGap application, I was using the Wikitude Cordova Plugin (5.1.1) and all Wikitude features were working fine. Now I am updating my plugin to the latest on 5.3.0 version but we are facing some problem with the Wikitude plugin feature in IOS devices. The problem is :
When I load the Wikitude ARView in the app, All markers and radar are shown properly, but When I destroy all objects from the ARView using AR.context.destroyAll(); and after that when I again try to draw radar and makers on ARView, these objects are not visible on ARView. My app has the feature in which I need to clear all the marker from the ARView and redraw the markers with some filters.
Now I find the reason why the Marker and radar are not visible after destroying.
The reason is "AR.ImageResource" is not loaded properly for marker and radar after destroying. As I add the onLoaded and onError callback for the AR.ImageResource. First time when we load the AR World, I receive the call on "onLoadded" callback. But when I load the ImageResouce after destroying, I receive the call on "onError" callback and the error shows it find the image at wrong path.
I use the AR experience URL for loadARchitectWorld as: var arExperienceUrl = "www/main_home_ar_view_screen.html";
Image Path used for the radar image resource : www > img > wikitude_img > radar_bg.png
Code to load the AR.ImageResource :
AR.radar.background = new AR.ImageResource("img/wikitude_img/radar_bg.png", {
onLoaded : function successFn(loadedURL) {
/* Respond to successful world loading if you need to */
onError : function errorFn(error)
alert("onError " + error + " & " + error.message);
The above code is working fine for the first time when I load the AR World. But after destroying the object from ARView, AR.ImageResource find the image at this path "/www/main_home_ar_view_screen.html/img/wikitude_img/radar_bg.png", due to find the image at wrong path, image is not loaded (See the attached Image).
I also find these things :
Please suggest me how to solve the AR.ImageResouce problem with local image Path.
To fix this problem, simply paste the following snippet at the top of your main Architect .js file
AR.__resourceUrl = function(url)
if (/^([a-z\d.-]+:)?\/\//i.test(url))
// URL contains protocol and can be considered absolute
return url;
// get protocol
var protocol = document.baseURI.substring(0,
document.baseURI.indexOf('/') + 2);
var uri = document.baseURI.substring(document.baseURI.indexOf('/') + 2);
// remove fragment identifier
if ( uri.indexOf('#') > 0 && uri.length > uri.indexOf('#') +1 ) {
uri = uri.substring(0, uri.lastIndexOf('#'));
// in case there was a '/' after the fragment identifier, we need to add it back again
if ( uri[uri.length - 1] !== '/' ) {
uri += '/';
// remove trailing file (edge case, this is just a domain e.g.
uri = uri.substring(0, uri.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
var baseUrl = protocol + uri;
if (baseUrl[baseUrl.length - 1] !== '/')
baseUrl += '/';
if (url[0] === '/') {
// url references root
baseUrl = baseUrl.substring(0, baseUrl.indexOf('/', baseUrl
.indexOf('//') + 2));
var resourceURL = baseUrl + url;
return resourceURL;
As I get this solution from the Wikitude Developer Forum