I am going to make a custom keyboard for my app and also implement custom keyboard extension for enhance my application feature at input level,
So i want add "custom view" over my custom keyboard in my app. when i am typing some word at that time add custom view over custom keyboard like gBoard, so how can add custom view and increase size of keyboard more then 216.
you should put this height constraint into viewWillAppear
CGFloat _expandedHeight = 500;
NSLayoutConstraint *_heightConstraint =
[NSLayoutConstraint constraintWithItem: self.view
attribute: NSLayoutAttributeHeight
relatedBy: NSLayoutRelationEqual
toItem: nil
attribute: NSLayoutAttributeNotAnAttribute
multiplier: 0.0
constant: _expandedHeight];
[self.view addConstraint: _heightConstraint];
In iOS 8.0, you can adjust a custom keyboard’s height any time after its primary view initially draws on screen.