I am using golang and postgreSQL version 9.5.5 in my application. I am using "github.com/lib/pq" as my database driver to connect to the database. One of my fields have the type timestamp with timezone. I would like to update to the current time. So I used the following code:
Note:I m using beego as my framework and use orm to compute my queries.
_, err := o.Raw("UPDATE leave SET resultdate=? WHERE leaveid=?", time.Now(), leaveResult.LeaveId).Exec()
When I execute this I'm getting the following error:
"pq: invalid input syntax for type timestamp with time zone: \"09:24:29\""
Appreciate any help.
High probability that DB expects a different date/time format. For example RFC3339. Try saving instead of time.Now() with time.Now().Format(time.RFC3339)