I am attempting to add a constraint to a DB2 database that will check three columns. I am using a table that is an invoice table that includes start date end date quantity item price etc. for each line item on an invoice. I want to prevent allowing start and end date from being null when a column linestatus = RELELASED
. Here is the alter statement that I have so far. My question is why won't this work? I have verified that this table does not have any current instances of all three of these checks.
alter table pluspgbtrans
add constraint start_end_notnull
Check (eip_linestatus = 'RELEASED' AND eip_endate is not null AND eip_startdate is not null)
Your SQL statement is valid.
However, your logic has an error: this check does not apply only if eip_linestatus = 'RELEASED'
As written, your constraint is asserting that all rows must have eip_linestatus = 'RELEASED' AND eip_endate is not null AND eip_startdate is not null
So, if any rows in your table have eip_linestatus
with a value of anything other than RELEASED
, you'll get the SQL0544N error when you try to add the constraint.
To create the constraint you're looking for, you need to handle the other state(s) for eip_linestatus
. I can't guess what they are, so here's a potential generic option:
alter table pluspgbtrans
add constraint start_end_notnull check (
(eip_linestatus <> 'RELEASED')
eip_linestatus = 'RELEASED'
AND eip_endate is not null
AND eip_startdate is not null