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RPGLE Externally Described Data Structures

I have used externally described data structures in the past to use file fields. Now when i debug the data structure is blanks. I cannot recollect if i have missed anything. Please assist.

H option(*nodebugio) cvtopt(*datetime)                           
FEMPMSTP   IF   E           K disk    prefix(A_)                 
D empDs         E DS                  extname(EMPMSTP) prefix(A_)

           dou %eof(EMPMSTP);                                    
               read EMPMSTP;                                     
               if %eof;                                          

           *inlr = *on;    

After the read statement the empDs is to have the value of the record that was read.


  • The RPGLE compiler is pretty smart. It knows you aren't using any of the data from the file...

    Try adding..
    h debug(*input)

    Note that the behavior changed, read got smarter, in 6.1. So that might be why this is new to you now.

    More info in a post from Barbara Morris of IBM's compiler team here: