I have used externally described data structures in the past to use file fields. Now when i debug the data structure is blanks. I cannot recollect if i have missed anything. Please assist.
H option(*nodebugio) cvtopt(*datetime)
FEMPMSTP IF E K disk prefix(A_)
D empDs E DS extname(EMPMSTP) prefix(A_)
dou %eof(EMPMSTP);
if %eof;
*inlr = *on;
After the read statement the empDs is to have the value of the record that was read.
The RPGLE compiler is pretty smart. It knows you aren't using any of the data from the file...
Try adding..
h debug(*input)
Note that the behavior changed, read got smarter, in 6.1. So that might be why this is new to you now.
More info in a post from Barbara Morris of IBM's compiler team here: https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/community/blogs/b542d3ac-0785-4b6f-8e53-f72051460822/entry/are_you_using_option_nounref_if_so_good_if_not_read_on?lang=en