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How can I add keyword arguments to a wrapped function in Python 2.7?

I first want to stress that I have searched both the web generally and the Python documentation + StackOverflow specifically very extensively and did not manage to find an answer to this question. I also want to thank anyone taking the time to read this.

As the title suggests, I am writing a decorator in Python, and I want it to add keyword arguments to the wrapped function (please note: I know how to add arguments to the decorator itself, that's not what I'm asking).

Here is a working example of a piece of code I wrote that does exactly that for Python 3 (specifically Python 3.5). It uses decorator arguments, adds keyword arguments to the wrapped function and also defines and adds a new function to the wrapped function.

from functools import wraps

def my_decorator(decorator_arg1=None, decorator_arg2=False):
    # Inside the wrapper maker

    def _decorator(func):
        # Do Something 1

        def func_wrapper(
            # Inside the wrapping function
            # Calling the wrapped function
            if new_arg1:
                return func(*args, **kwds)
                # do something with new_arg2
                return func(*args, **kwds)

        def added_function():
            print("Do Something 2")

        func_wrapper.added_function = added_function
        return func_wrapper

    return _decorator

Now this decorator can be used in the following manner:

@my_decorator(decorator_arg1=4, decorator_arg2=True)
def foo(a, b):
    print("a={}, b={}".format(a,b))

def bar():
    foo(a=1, b=2, new_arg1=True, new_arg2=7)

Now, while this works for Python 3.5 (and I assume for any 3.x), I have not managed to make it work for Python 2.7. I'm getting a SyntaxError: invalid syntax on the first line that tries to define a new keyword argument for the func_wrapper, meaning the line stating new_arg1=False,, when importing the module containing this code.

Moving the new keywords to the start of the argument list of func_wrapper solves the SyntaxError but seems to screw with the wrapped function's signature; I'm now getting the error TypeError: foo() takes exactly 2 arguments (0 given) when calling foo(1, 2). This error disappears if I assign the arguments explicitly, as in foo(a=1, b=2), but that is obviously not enough - unsurprisingly, my new keyword arguments seem to be "stealing" the first two positional arguments sent to the wrapped function. This is something that did not happen with Python 3.

I would love to get your help on this. Thank you for taking the time to read this.



  • If you only ever specify the additional arguments as keywords, you can get them out of the kw dictionary (see below). If you need them as positional AND keyword arguments, then I think you should be able to use inspect.getargspec on the original function, and then process args and kw in func_wrapper.

    Code below tested on Ubuntu 14.04 with Python 2.7, 3.4 (both Ubuntu-provided) and 3.5 (from Continuum).

    from functools import wraps
    def my_decorator(decorator_arg1=None, decorator_arg2=False):
        # Inside the wrapper maker
        def _decorator(func):
            # Do Something 1
            def func_wrapper(
                # new_arg1, new_arg2 *CANNOT* be positional args with this technique
                new_arg1 = kwds.pop('new_arg1',False)
                new_arg2 = kwds.pop('new_arg2',None)
                # Inside the wrapping function
                # Calling the wrapped function
                if new_arg1:
                    print("new_arg1 True branch; new_arg2 is {}".format(new_arg2))
                    return func(*args, **kwds)
                    print("new_arg1 False branch; new_arg2 is {}".format(new_arg2))
                    # do something with new_arg2
                    return func(*args, **kwds)
            def added_function():
                # Do Something 2
            func_wrapper.added_function = added_function
            return func_wrapper
        return _decorator
    @my_decorator(decorator_arg1=4, decorator_arg2=True)
    def foo(a, b):
        print("a={}, b={}".format(a,b))
    def bar():
        #foo(1,2,True,7) # won't work
        foo(1, 2, new_arg1=True, new_arg2=7)
        foo(a=3, b=4, new_arg1=False, new_arg2=42)
    if __name__=='__main__':
        import sys

    Output is

    new_arg1 True branch; new_arg2 is 7
    a=1, b=2
    new_arg1 False branch; new_arg2 is 42
    a=3, b=4
    new_arg1 False branch; new_arg2 is -1
    a=AAA, b=100
    new_arg1 True branch; new_arg2 is None
    a=AAA, b=100